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HomeArticle6 Smart AI Gadgets You Will Love

6 Smart AI Gadgets You Will Love

Are you using AI tech-based gadgets? Today’s world is filled with devices programmed to make our lives easier. From the thermostat that turns on the heat before we get home from work to the app that will pre-order our favourite salad, these little helpers are great examples of how AI(Artificial Intelligence) can be used practically.

However, some excellent products are out there that use AI and other new technology to improve life. Let’s take a look at some of the most awesome examples!

List of AI tech Gadgets which make life easier

Artificial Intelligence Allows Machines to Work Efficiently and Solve Problems. AI is very vast and the future of technology, it makes human life very easier. Below are the names of AI tech-based top products which you will definitely love.

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1. Smart Contact Lenses With AI:

There are a lot of amazing inventions around us. One of these is a pair of smart contact lenses that have sensors in them to monitor your health. These lenses can monitor glucose levels in the blood, hydration levels, and even oxygen levels in the blood. This can be incredibly helpful to people with diabetes or other health issues that affect the eyes.

For example, if your glucose levels are low, your lenses will send that information to your phone. This way, you can take appropriate action without having to get too invasive with testing. This is an example of how AI can be integrated into our everyday lives in meaningful ways.

Smart Contact Lenses With AI

2. Foldable Smartphones:

The smartphone has become an essential part of modern life, but it has also been an issue for many people. Smartphones are fragile and easy to break, especially as we get more adventurous and take them places they shouldn’t go.

The foldable screen is a new technological development that lets you fold your screen in half and protect it without making it too bulky. This design lets you get a bigger screen on a smaller device, which is ideal for those with big hands or those who like to travel. However, these folding smartphones also can utilize AI.

Many of them let their users use their voices to take notes, search the web, and perform other tasks. Others have a special AI camera that makes taking photos easy and convenient. These are just some of the ways that AI is being utilized in foldable smartphones.

3. Self-Driving Cars:

Self-driving cars have long been the subject of futuristic dreams. Now, they are a reality, though they are still in the testing stages. AI and machine learning are used to train these cars to navigate the roads and make sense of other drivers and pedestrians. This is used in addition to sensors and cameras that make the overall experience feel almost sci-fi.

These self-driving cars have even been approved for use in several U.S. cities. However, these are not yet a replacement for human drivers. Self-driving cars are still best for straight-line driving and in pre-programmed cities. Because of this, many people view them as a novelty more than an actual way to get from A to B. However, this could change as technology evolves.

4. AI-Powered Hearing Assistants:

Hearing aids have been around for a while now, but there have been few new developments in recent years. AI is changing that and making hearing aids even better. AI hearing aids can learn about their users’ preferences and make appropriate adjustments.

They can also help to monitor and track their users’ hearing health. This way, they can notify their users when they may need to seek medical attention or get new hearing aids. These hearing aids are also able to connect to other devices and apps to help their users stay organized and on track.

For example, they may be able to connect to an app on your phone to let you know when your calendar has an appointment on a certain day. These are just a few of the many ways that AI is improving hearing aids and making them more convenient for the people who wear them.

5. Smart Bedding With Built-In AI:

Bedding has been around for a long time now, but it has been slow to evolve. However, new products are coming out that use AI to make bedding that much better. One of these is a bed that can heat up and cools down to the user’s liking. It can also track your sleep and let you know how well you slept and what you can do to improve it. This is all done using sensors and AI.


The bed’s AI can learn about your sleeping patterns and make adjustments for them. This way, you can get a better night’s sleep without having to do anything special. The bed is also able to connect to other devices and let them know when you are ready for bed. This is just one example of how AI will change the way we sleep forever.

6. Virtual Assistants That Move Beyond Our Screens:

We’ve all seen the commercials featuring virtual assistants that are now commonplace on smartphones and other devices. They’re great and super helpful, but there have been a few ways to bring them into our everyday lives. New technologies like augmented reality are changing that, though.

AR-enabled devices allow you to use your virtual assistant on your phone while walking around or performing tasks around the house. This is a huge advancement in the world of virtual assistants. It means that you don’t have to be sitting at your computer or holding your phone to get things done or ask questions. You can do this while going about your day and having a more hands-free experience. This is just one of many ways that AR will change our lives for the better.


Today’s world is filled with devices that are programmed to make our lives easier. From the thermostat that turns on the heat before we get home from work to the app that will pre-order our favourite salad so it’s waiting for us in the fridge, these little helpers are great examples of how AI can be used practically.

However, there are also some cool products out there that use AI and other new tech to make life even better. Let’s take a look at some of the most awesome examples! All in all, artificial intelligence is here to stay and makes our lives easier.

It has been used in many industries and has proven to be very useful. These are just a few of the many ways that AI can be used – we can expect to see more in the future!

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