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How Google Controls the Life of an Average Person?

Google has a huge impact on our lives, often in ways we don’t fully realize. From tracking our online behavior to influencing our real-world decisions, Google’s reach is extensive.

This article explores how Google tracks and influences your behavior, both online and offline, and offers tips on how to protect your privacy. Here’s a simple look at how Google affects you and your daily life.

Google tracks a wide range of your online activities, often without you even noticing. Here’s how it does it:

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1. Online Behavior

Google keeps track of almost everything you do online. Every time you search for something, visit a website, or click on an ad, Google collects data about it.

  • Cookies: These are small files stored on your device that help Google follow your activity across different websites. Some cookies can last for years.
  • Server Logs: Google records details like your IP address, browser type, and operating system whenever you use its services.
Google cookies track

2. Across Different Platforms

Google doesn’t just track you on its own sites. It also follows you across the web through various partners and services.

  • Ads: Google’s ad networks, such as AdSense, track your movements to show you ads that match your interests.
  • Data Partners: Google gets additional information from data brokers and other companies to build a complete profile of you.

Google’s reach doesn’t stop at your digital footprint; it extends into your real-life movements:

1. Location Tracking

Google tracks where you go, even if you think you’ve turned off location services.

  • Cell Towers: Google uses nearby cell towers to find out where you are, no matter what your settings say.
  • Purchases: Google partners with credit card companies to see what you buy in physical stores and link it to your online behavior.

2. Personal Data Integration

Google combines your data from different services to create a detailed profile.

  • Email Scanning: Google scans your Gmail messages to show you ads based on your emails.
  • Device Tracking: Google uses unique IDs assigned to your devices to keep track of your activity across different gadgets.

Google uses your data to shape your purchasing decisions and online interactions:

1. Targeted Ads

Google uses your data to show you ads that are meant to influence your buying decisions.

  • Behavior-Based Ads: Ads are tailored to match your interests based on what Google knows about you.
  • Offline Links: Google tracks when you see an ad online and then make a purchase in a store, showing how well its ads work.

2. Search Results

Google’s search engine can shape what information you see.

  • Personalized Results: Your search results are customized based on your previous searches and interests.
  • Content Prioritization: Google’s algorithms decide which content you see first, affecting what you learn and how you view the world.

Google’s extensive data collection comes with significant privacy risks:

1. Data Retention

Google keeps a lot of data, even after you think you’ve deleted it.

  • Email Backups: Deleted emails might still be stored in Google’s backups.
  • Long-Term Records: Google keeps your search history and other data for a long time.

2. Security Risks

Having so much data makes Google a big target for hackers.

  • Data Breaches: More data means more risk of it being stolen by cybercriminals.
  • Third-Party Access: Google shares your data with third-party developers, which can add more security risks.

There are practical steps you can take to minimize Google’s control over your personal information:

1. Use Alternatives

Try using services other than Google to reduce its control over your life.

  • Email: Use ProtonMail instead of Gmail for better privacy.
  • Search Engine: Switch to DuckDuckGo for searches without tracking.
  • Browser: Choose Firefox over Chrome to limit data collection.

2. Improve Privacy Settings

Take steps to protect your personal information.

  • Check Permissions: Regularly review and adjust app permissions on your devices.
  • Clear Cookies: Delete cookies and browsing data periodically to limit tracking.


Google has a big impact on many aspects of your life, from what you see online to where you go in the real world. By understanding how Google tracks and influences you, and by taking steps to protect your privacy, you can regain more control over your personal information. Stay aware, use privacy-focused tools, and choose alternatives to minimize Google’s influence on your life.

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